Minister of Health Hon. Sylvia Masebo (4th from left) and USAID Health Division Director Ms. Amy Cunningham (3rd from right) displaying the National Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization Strategy at the launch event during the commemoration of World TB Day in Makululu, Kabwe on March 25, 2024 (Credit Ian Moombe for JSH)
To achieve the national vision of “Zero deaths, disease, and suffering due to TB”, the U.S. government supported the Ministry of Health to develop the first National Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Strategy for TB elimination 2023 -2026. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supported the MOH in developing this strategy through its Zambia Accessible Markets for Health Project.
The National Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Strategy for TB elimination 2023 -2026 was launched on March 25, 2024, during the commemoration of World TB Day in Makululu, Kabwe.
The strategy is a roadmap to guide the Ministry of Health and its partners as they work to reduce TB cases and TB deaths. Fewer TB cases will reduce the financial burden on patients accessing TB care, including x-ray and transportation costs.
The new national strategy is anchored in the National TB Strategic Plan (2022-2026. It adopts a multi-sectoral approach to raise awareness about the causes, symptoms, modes of transmission, and prevention methods for TB. By implementing this strategy, the Ministry of Health and its partners will be positioned to improve TB literacy in the general population and increase the use of TB services by communicating through multiple approaches and channels.
The USAID-supported World TB Day interschool singing competition is one of the approaches highlighted in the advocacy, communication, and social mobilization strategic plan. The competition will help to achieve the Ministry of Health and USAID’s shared goal of raising awareness for TB among youths 14-18 years old. We know that we are missing about 50% of expected TB cases among this age group”, the USAID Health Division Director, Ms. Amy Cunningham said.
Ms. Cunningham added that through this initiative, youth advocates from 115 districts across all ten provinces are equipped with knowledge to raise awareness for the prevention, care, and treatment of TB while debunking myths and addressing TB stigma. The youth participating in the competition will use music to raise awareness of and demand for TB testing among adolescents.

Sylvia Masebo and USAID Health Division Director Amy Cunningham visiting the USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health project booth during the commemoration of World TB Day in Makululu, Kabwe on March 25, 2024 (Credit Ian Moombe for JSH)
The Honorable Minister of Health, Ms. Sylvia Masebo, echoed Ms. Cunningham’s sentiments to raise awareness of TB because myths and discrimination delay care and lead to unnecessary deaths despite TB diagnosis and treatment being accessible in all health facilities.
“Let us join hands to raise TB awareness and say NO to stigma and discrimination’’, Ms. Masebo said.
She added that this year’s theme, “Yes! We can end TB!” conveys a message of hope that TB can be eliminated from Zambia through increased investments, community participation, and continued commitment from all stakeholders, including the private sector.