USAID CHEKUP II Presents at the AIDS 2024 Conference

Dec 1, 2024

Alcohol and substance abuse are causes of depression among underserved populations in Lusaka, especially among female sex workers.

This is according to an abstracted title “Estimated Prevalence of Mental Health Problems Among Key Populations in Zambia: The Case of Lusaka Wellness Centre”, which has been presented at the AIDS 2024 Conference in Munich, Germany.

Presented by Lisa Kalungwana, the Mental Health Advisor for the USAID CHEKUP II Activity, the abstract has recommended that integrating mental health in HIV programming is critical in ensuring the well-being of underserved populations.

At the same event, Lubinda Chingumbe, the acting Chief of Party for the USAID CHEKUP II Activity, in his abstract, has called for HIV prevention interventions that address the plight of children of female sex workers.

The abstract, titled “The Children of Female Sex Workers (CFSWs): A ‘New’ Key, Vulnerable and Underserved Population”, highlights that due to their exposure to a wide range of social and economic vulnerabilities, children of female sex workers are a vulnerable group.

The conference brings together an estimated 15,000 scientists, policymakers, healthcare professionals, people living with HIV, and others at the intersection of science, advocacy, and human rights.