Coalition Health Zambia, formerly known as John Snow Health, is proud to participate in this years 11th Zambia Health Research Conference 2024 organised by the Zambia Health Research Conference (ZHRC), co-hosted by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Research Authority (NHRA).
We are showcasing our work through our three key projects that aim to improve the health of communities and individuals. Ours is a holistic approach to tackling health challenges in our community.
Our partnership with the Ministry of Health has ensure that many receive equitable band quality medical services without leaving anyone behind.
Some of the areas of programme focus have been private sector engagement and involvement in the health sector; enabling a health flow of medical supplies from the central system to facility level by ensuring there is a system that can be used to monitor and manage stock levels, and lastly but not the least, improving the health outcomes of priority and key populations in Zambia with the highest HIV burdens and in high HIV burden provinces, by preventing new HIV infections and ensuring that all those that are infected are identified, diagnosed, linked to treatment, and virally suppressed.

DREAMS Centre girls from our supported centres in Kabwe, Kapiri Mposhi and Kasama are part of the participants and are showcasing some of the work they do under Kozo
To learn more about what we do and how it benefits the communities, visit our booth at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, KK wing.
ZHRC is a biennial flagship event on the calendar of the Ministry of Health that attracts delegates from across the world. This year‘s conference will be the 11th in the editions of the ZHRC. The conference is being held under the theme “Sustainable and Resilient Health Systems: Accelerating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage in the Face of Service Delivery Challenges, Emerging Diseases, and Pandemics,”. This strategic theme emphasizes evidence-informed decision-making to address persistent and emerging health challenges.