Request for Proposal – USAID eSCMIS Project

Procurement of Vehicle Tracking and Driver Behavior Management System

REF: RFP No. 2023-164

ISSUANCE DATE: 07/27/2023

DEADLINE DATE: 08/09/2023



The John Snow Health Zambia (JSH-Z) through its project, Electronic Supply Chain Management Information System (eSCMIS) invites sealed bids from reputable vendors for Supply & Installation of Motor Vehicle Tracking System for its vehicle fleet in Zambia. The eSCMIS Project has active fleet in Lusaka, Chipata, Kabwe, Mpika, Mansa, Ndola, Solwezi, and Choma.

Completed tender documents are to be submitted via email with the RFP referenced to. The email address to send the bid documents is Interested vendors should request for detailed tender documents or ToRs by sending an email to the email address provided above. The bids should be submitted in PDF format in two parts –the technical bid and financial bid. The bids are to be received on or before Wednesday 9th August 2023, at 17.30 hours. Bids submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and delivery must be in Zambia Kwacha (ZMW) and shall remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of the tender.


Closing Date:  August 09, 2023

JSH is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees without regard to age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, gender, disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual preference, genetic information or political affiliation.